sâmbătă, 30 iunie 2007
Number 23
P.S: Any of the reviews is not to be taken 100% seriously for the opinions are fairly personal and the layout does not cover all the points. Only the ones I could still remember after 24 hours.
Now, my first movie to get a short review will be ze lucky "Number 23"
Full Title: Number 23
PLOT: At first sight, it seems almost chaotic because the main purpose of the way the characters act and manage their lives appears to be messing up your mind. 30 minutes later, one can hardly understand anything, but 31 minutes later it catches a gripping shape. The main character (a dog catcher) becomes the object of a curse based on various implications the number 23 has, only to discover he has created the curse himself. (that's the best part)
Characters: Interesting characters to follow, especially the protagonist whom a new Jim Carrey has embodied almost perfectly. If I were to state an opinion, Carrey played his part correctly without too much talent, making the character somewhat enjoyable. The other characters don't really stand out; they're just there to enhance and reinforce the attitude and profile of the protagonist.
Overall: "Numer 23" is a movie that should be watched. If not for the excellent documentation as far as "23" is concerned, then just for the heck of the experiment, that is seing Carrey playing the tough guy.
Plot: ***** (ingeniously designed)
Characters: *** (not too brilliant)
Audio: **** (well chosen, gorgeous music)
Special Effects: *** (they get fairy-tale like here and here)
Charlotte II
In June 2007 she spent about 3 weeks in a hotel in Barlad (for those who know, it's the newest in town, fancy-shmancy-3-star hotel) and every time she met me she would give another fearful feedback on how bad the food was, on how she could get no extra soap without payin' for it and on how the elevator would only work 10 mins a day. Cool, ain't it?
As if THAT was not enough, a day before going home, she managed to get indigestion and couldn't get out of bed for the entire day.
Her last exact words about the hotel were "This whole place is a friggin' joke!"
Sooooooooo..at the end of this..I, as citizen of the wondrous place known by the name of Barlad, can only say "Hip Hip Horray!"
joi, 28 iunie 2007
Charlotte I
Lemme first tell you who the hell Charlotte is. Well, Charlotte is a 70 year old ma'am who is volunteering around the world (she's volunteered in 29 countries since she retired) with Global Volunteers. She's done teaching in Vietnam, taken care of urangutans and chimps in Tanzania, worked with babies in Tutova, helped a family of archaeologists in Costa Rica and joined the army for a month when she was in her 50s.
Now that you've met Charlotte, please let me tell you about her project in India. To begin with, she said she was absofuckinlutely thrilled with all the culture clips, with the Taj Mahal and with the friendliness of most ppl. Anyways, the project she was takin' part in was organized by Earth Watch and it consisted of gathering all the information a team could get about a holliday (somehow resemblin' Iom Kippur. Friends know why.) when ppl HAD TO feel sorry for their sins.
Thing was...these guys had to perform all sorts of unusual tasks while feeling sorry for their mistakes..like..walking on hot coals, hanging themselves by their feet above a raging fire... However, the most freaky show, our dear Charlotte had to face, was a mass of people literally running through the desert with a 5 year-old girl in a pillow case;those people were part of a tribe which still believed in human sacrifice.
The horrendousness of the happening was terribly increased as one man tried to save the girl from being fiercely murdered; he ended up beaten to death, sacrificed instead of the little girl.
De la tembelizor
Dar, Da, sexul e publicitate. Sexul *vinde* publicitate si *face* publicitate.La fel si "bataile si impuscaturile". Si presupun ca tu, dragul meu cititor, eventual amator de uitat (a se citi "zgait" sau "holbat" ) la cutia ceea cu ecran la capatul tubului catodic, nu ti-ai pus niciodata intrebarea "de ce atat de multe 'showuri' contin *expresii licentioase*, *nuditate*" si alta traznai de felul acesta pompos si bombastic formulate astfel incat sa sune din coada cat de tare pot si sa dea impresia ca poporul e pazit cu strasnicie de orice ar insemna "profanarea puritatii de altfel naturale a omului"(tare ciudat si cliseul asta...e plin de pleonasme).
Asa-i ca doar reclama la emisiunea Laurei Andresan (parca asa o cheama) ti-a atras atentia, ca atunci cand dormeau ai tai ai deschis macar o data televizorul sa vezi ce orgie violenta se intampla in spatele BMW-ului politistilor de la sectiile obscure de politie din filmele americane, sa vezi ce mai fac fetele? Si nu te deranjeaza?
Vrei sa spui ca nu te deranjeaza ca primatele astea mai evoluate (aka "oameni") nu reusesc sa se exprime decat prin sex si violenta? Vrei sa spui ca nu te deranjeaza ca la fiecare 10 minute de emisiune mai apare cat o piesa de lenjerie intima cu purtatorul la vedere? Sustii ca nu e o problema ca mai bine de 50% din ce vezi pe ecran e vulgar?
Atunci te lasam sa involuezi.
P.S. Nu se militeaza pentru excluderea totala a ceea ce este general recunoscut drept "sexy" sau "atragator" din punct de vedere fizic. Se pune doar un punctisor pe "i" in ceea ce priveste vulgaritatea, caci aceasta este reala problema.
A big "WTF"
S'good! Dar Alexandra iese din magazin si de-a stanga si de-a dreapta erau doi cersetori, un nene si o tanti (alta decat cea de la *tejghea*) care ghici ce faceau. In fine, imi fac datoria de om bun si responsabil care aspira la un locsor "acolo unde curge lapte si miere si-s cainii cu colaci in coada", iar nenea cersetor zambeste cald, ca si cum m-ar cunoaste de-o viata.
I freak out, obviously si asta n-ar fi o tragedie, daca 30 de secunde mai tarziu nu m-as fi trezit vorbind cu acest beggar despre Shakespeare(informatiile sunt verificate), despre sentimente, despre talent, despre tehnici compozitionale, tehnici persuasive si de manipulare.
And this is the time when I say...WTF?
miercuri, 27 iunie 2007
*Purple is the paradoxical combination between soothing blue and hot red. A very good friend of mine used to say (and hopefully still uses to, altfel imi pierd credibilitatea) that purple is the apparently impossible mixture of what appear to be totally opposite elements: water and fire.
*People who like purple have quite an obvious tendency to be powerful, and sophisticated.
`quote` "Those who are attracted to this royal color are typically dramatic, spiritual, intuitive, inspirational in beauty and art, protective"
*The word, purple comes from the Middle English word purple which originates from the Latin purpura.
*The first recorded use of the word purple in English was in the year 975 AD.
Please Welcome the attempt :D
S'good. Si-acuma parca va aud. "Mmmkay, dudette, ne-am prins ca faci pseudo-blogging (mai am de mancat niste php pe paine pana sa renunt la titulatura de "pseudo-blogging") dar ce-o sa ne-arati in marele blog? Well, sa vedeti.. (acum fac fix ca un copilas de prin scoala primara care habar n-are ce sa raspunda) o sa va arat niste povestioare (creatii proprii), eventual niste reflectii pe teme dintre cele mai diverse (I've heard that it's politically correct not to warn the reader that it's gonna be boring, asa ca va pacalesc si eu ca o sa fie..hmm..exciting?), fotografii (tot creatii proprii :D) si iarasi fotografii (dar nu creatii proprii). Cand intervin schimbari..you shall notice >:)
P.S. Dear fellow bloggers, pray don't be too harsh on this blog. It belongs to a *beginner* (nu gasesc blestematia ceea de underline, de-aia folosesc stelute. Incepator, ce sa-i faci? :P )

Pentru ca am promis si pentru ca sunt o pseudo bloggerita care se tine de cuvant (se tine cu indarjire, agatandu-se eroic :D) randurile urmatoare vor fi despre porecla "Hammy" pe care o posed cu mandrie de cateva luni bune si pe care am uitat sa o mentione in nickname roll-ul de la inceput.
Asa deci..totul a inceput acum multa vreme dupa ce niste buni amici (a se citi "Liviu si Paul" sau "Zizuzu si Zookey") au vazut "Over the Hedge" si au facut cea mai naturala analogie cu putinta:
Hey, Hammy (veverita din "Over the Hedge") face ca trenul dupa ce bea cola sau orice traznaie care contine cofeina. Hmm..:-? (suna cunoscut?) And that's how I got to be Hammy.
P.S. no 1 HI5-ul e de vina pt numele de Zizuzu si Zookey din post. :p
P.S. no 2 Pe aceasta cale le uram succes la bac celor doi ca au nevoie.
pinguinul paranoic: felicitari pt blog
pinguinul paranoic: new bookmark for me
pinguinul paranoic: keep up the good work
Vlad Tofan: uuu....
Vlad Tofan: blog
Vlad Tofan: astept noutati
Vlad Tofan: nu conteaza ca esti novice
Hurry Cane: sa nu zici ca ai blog.
Asta ca sa se vada ca lumea chiar observa pana si o umbra de blog, ca Purple-Mirrors. :>
Drept pentru care ma simt de-a dreptul si de-a strambul indreaptatita sa-mi urez "La mai mare!"
"Good night, mother" she said with a sigh, rolling tired eyes as she painfully turned her body in the laced sheets.

"Good night, Shirley. And remember, sweety-her mother said sharply-good timber does not grow with ease..."
"The stronger the wind , the stornger the trees." Shirley moaned as she grimaced slightly, taking her first step into her dreamworld. She no longer had to think about tomorrow's piano lessons and Latin composition, she no longer had to be concerned about being always prim and proper, she just had to smile and enjoy her dream.There was no clear outline of anything that surrounded her; the table, the guitar,the empty glass...all blended together as daylight passed.
"Where am I? I said finding myself in the impossibility of not noticing the greenish sea in front of me. It was noisy but not in a way that might have offended my ears but more like some kind of musical harmony that tickled my eardrums. Taking some steps into the sand, burrying my feet into the velvety particles,smashing the air between them I...I didn't feel like some frivolous master of the world but like the embodiment of absolute freedom. The wind was thin and icy and those golden grains of sand would whip my face as hard as they could...and I wouldn't care.My whitish scarf would flutter in a gust of wind, my hands would fiercely soar turning bluish grey from the cold and my hair-without having previously been curled- was now wildly flying towards the four horizons as if desperately trying to leave my scalp forever...and I still wouldn't care.
At some point, my feet stopped letting me leaning on a rocky kerbstone; my head. my hands, my feet, they all ached greatly and yet, I couldn't bring myself to care. All of a sudden, however, I was brutally woken from this impossible idleness of mine: I heard the sand crunching as if under a cat's steps. But THAT was not a cat. That was a man. No, a boy. No, a youngman. I frowned in disgust examining his worn out boots and his face only to discover I looked the same..that is nowhere near charming. Nevertheless, he struck me as being self assured and rather the type of man who would freely use cynical sarcasm just for the sake of doing it...there was some sparkle in his eyes which lead me to this verdict.
He was standing with his back straight, peering at the beach and at the sea. Curious! We was looking my way, though without giving the least sign of noticing my existence, so I dared to come closer. Now, he appeared to be a thin man, with straight dusty-brown hair comfortably reaching his shoulders and porcelain cheeks. A few steps more enabled me to closely gaze at his thin lips, barely coloured in a pale apricot, strained around a cigarette. His eyes were silent and piercing, apparently investigating every single detail; the ghastly grey of his iris was cold but somehow enticing providing a cagey and sly warmth...Seconds later, he made me feel uneasy and carefully observed as he grabbed my inert right hand.
I did not know this man, though it seemed to me that years had passed since we first met. Everything about him seemed so awfully familiar! Some call it "deja-vu". I call it confusion...pleasant confusion" she sighed and lost her gaze miles far in the skyline. "Nanny, oh nanny, will I dream of him again?"
"I cannot possibly know that, sweetheart" the woman shrugged her massive shoulders as she mildly looked at the freshly woken creature.
"Oh, but I want to dream again! I want to! I want to!"
"There, there, honey. You must dress up now. Look, we haven't curled your hair yet and the Latin teacher will be here any minute now"
P.S. This is a story of cliches, of worn out ideas that happen to take over not only our lives, but our dreams too. Therefore, this is why I used the sea (the sea is an archetypal symbol for life) and this is why I have brought in discussion a Latins teacher (symbolizing the old school, the old way of approaching daily problems).