joi, 5 iulie 2007

Post pentru Diana

Din nou, pentru ca am promis si pentru ca sunt o pseudo-bloggerita care se tine de cuvant, postul care urmeaza ii va fi dedicat Dianei. De ce? Pai..m-a rugat si in mod normal nu i-as fi facut publicitate in halul asta, daca n-ar fi fost singura care s-a oprit si la povestea din Bedtime.>:P
Si mi-a facut si cronicutza.:P
dyanna: mm...vreau si eu sa-ti spun k povestioarele de pe blog sunt ff mishto
dyanna: e dragutza...neobisnuita ce-i drept..putin greoaie de citit
dyanna: aa...dak tot te-am scrii candva ceva pt a facut nimeni niciodata asa ceva
Ea e Di. (adica Diana)
For further information please ask personally by leaving a comment.

luni, 2 iulie 2007

What the heck is wrong with hi5?

Yeah..I frankly think I could say that again with as much anger as the first time. Like..this evenin' I log in like every teen addict and find that hi5 is written in Romanian. Bullshit!
1: It sounds crappy.
2: I can't find anything I need, my scrapbook, my gallery and all
3: It sounds crappy again.
4: It sounds as if the "hi5 team" is out there ot make fun of ya.

Are they planning to do to hi5 what they did to cartoon network? What's hi5's fault anyways?